Code4Bots, LLC
Education begins with play and hands-on learning is crucial. We get students learning engineering in a fun, interactive way, using award winning robots and software.
STEM Camps allow learning with Jimu™ Robots and LEGO® Robots. We enable kids to learn robotics and coding from a young age. At Code4Bots Summer Camps, students learn and retain basic coding skills for their future academic and real world applications.
Our programs engage students in hands-on STEM learning by programming robots using different coding platforms, from Blockly to C++. Our Robot kits will strengthen student’s programming skills and provide invaluable learning experiences.
Students will explore visual programming, build robots that use motors, program and utilize different sensors, and develop structural design skills.
Code4Bots Summer Camps encourage teamwork, problem solving, and creativity from day one.
Have a look at our learning center:
Come build some exciting robots with us this Summer !
View our full list of camps here: Summer Camps
or, view and print our flyer: Summer Camp Flyer
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